It would be crazy to close popular schools, regardless of racial equity issues. It will drive more people private.

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Some schools that are popular will have to close because it simply will cost too much to renovate them. Also, if you only close unpopular schools California's Attorney General will file a civil rights complaint. https://oag.ca.gov/news/press-releases/attorney-general-bonta-announces-statewide-guidance-school-closures-ensure

One also should remember that middle schools cycle through entirely new student bodies every three years, so it doesn't make sense to keep too many schools open far away from where the actual kids in SF live.

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I have proposed to the district to merge Lick and Everett and then merge the Mandarin Immersion programs at which ever building becomes vacant. The district could then expand MI to K-8 to compete with private MI schools who continue to expand.

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2 things need correction:

- Brown no longer guarantee to get into Lowell instead has priority to get into any HS except Lowell & SOTA.

- Aptos used to be the most racial integrated but not anymore. I think Presidio might more integrated according to newest 22-23 data.

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According to the October 2018 policy revision for Lowell HS, "All students from Willie Brown Middle School having a minimum of 64 points will qualify for admission to

Lowell under Band Three regardless of under or over representation in Lowell." So that's not quite the policy you state nor is it quite what Paul stated. In short, it's a 'guarantee within parameters.'

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I think SFUSD changed this fairly recently, I only had noticed last year when we were looking into middle school. Pretty sure even 3 years ago Brown had priority to get into Lowell but it looks like not anymore. They do have high tiebreaker for any other high school which I think is a “better deal.”

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